Waarom voor ons kiezen?

  • Toegewijde en bevoegde taaldocent met meer dan 12 jaar ervaring
  • CRKBO-geregistreerd
  • Individuele benadering van elke student
  • Effectieve en moderne lesmethodes
  • Hoge slagingspercentage
  • De docente is op de hoogte van eventuele wijzigingen in de structuur van de examens
  • Btw-vrijgesteld
  • De docent is tevens beëdigd vertaler
  • Mogelijkheid van afstandsonderwijs (via Skype of Viber)
  • Mogelijkheid van online-onderwijs in onze Virtual Language School


We bieden taallessen Nederlands voor anderstaligen, Engels, Frans, Russisch en Bulgaars voor beginners en gevorderden aan. De lessen worden aan uw behoeftes en uw leerstijl aangepast. De bevoegde en ervaren docente helpt u graag met de uitspraak en grammatica, woordenschat en frequente fouten. Naast de complete taallessen die alle vaardigheden van de taal oefenen, bied ik ook examentrainingen in:
  • het Nederlands (Inburgerings- en Staatsexamen NT2)
  • het Engels (TOEFL, IELTS, FCE, CAE)
  • het Frans (DELF, DALF)
  • het Russisch (alle niveaus van TRKI-examen)
  • praktische taaltrainingen op maat (zakelijk, juridisch, medisch, enz.)

De prijs is 40,00 euro voor een les van 60 minuten en 57,00 euro voor een les van 90 minuten. We zijn een erkende opleidingsinstituut en onze taallessen zijn vrijgesteld van btw.

Uitgebreide aanbod van onze studieprogramma’s en ervaringen van onze studenten kunt u vinden op de website www.languagelessons.nl.

Redactie van Engelse wetenschappelijke teksten

“The thesis is poorly written and contains too many grammatical and syntax errors. The results are very interesting from a practical standpoint but the paper needs a thorough revision”

Hebt u ooit dergelijke feedback ontvangen? Hebt u hulp nodig met uw Engelstalige academische artikel, uw scriptie, uw afstudeerproject?

Stuur ons uw document voor de indiening om het ontvangen van pijnlijke kritiek te voorkomen.

Wat er over ons wordt gezegd

Olga has been my English teacher for quite a long time now. In these past years of working with her, she has helped me a lot with difficult assignments and I always managed to get high grades on them. Not only was she my English teacher, for a while she has also taught me Russian. I manage to understand and read Russian in a very short period of time. Her teaching style is very effective and focused. She is always well prepared for the lessons and she always does some extra research prior to the lessons. There has been a massive improvement in my writing skills as she has put her effort into helping me with this skill. I recommend her for anyone who has any kind of difficulty in English, whether it is writing, speaking, or reading. As she helped me immensely, I believe she will be a big help to anyone who needs it.

Olga prepared me for Dutch NT2 exam in 1,5 months. The lessons were interesting and intensive, the time flew really fast. Olga has a talent to determine and “eliminate” weak points of every student. She can explain grammar material in 100 different ways. Thanks to her individual approach and motivating lessons I passed all the four exams at the first time. I am very thankful and wish her lots of success. I definitely will recommend her to all my friends and colleagues as the best Dutch teacher ever.

In my opinion, Olga is definitely a professional in her job. She helped me with IELTS exam preparation. When i started attending Olga’s individual classes, I struggled with many different things such as grammar, spelling, paraphrasing and many more. It took Olga literally one class to identify my weaknesses and make a plan what I had to focus on. Thus, I succeeded in IELTS test but most importantly I improved my English generally. I am very grateful to meet Olga and I will definitely come back to learn another language.

It was important for me to find a tutor who would respond to my requirements. Olga is well structured and organized, respects time and agreements. She paid attention to my learning requests and most of all she has a thorough knowledge of the language she teaches. I enjoyed the Dutch language lessons with Olga and can recommend her to anyone who is still unsure whether to go for it or not.

I have had a pleasure of studying English with Olga. She helped me to improve significantly my language skills.
Some of the qualities that make up a good teacher are knowledge of the subject area, enthusiasm, motivation, willingness and ability to use different learning technics. Olga has all these qualities. I never had any questions without answers and in case I had a specific question regarding homework I could contact her anytime and would always receive the answer.

Olga has a perfect command of the languages and skills of a professional teacher. Her language lessons are exciting and memorable. I can recommend her, as language teacher, for people of all ages.